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Recognizing the Risk Factors of Depression

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It’s true that depression can affect people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. However, there are certain factors that may increase one’s risk of developing it. As mental health professionals, we believe it’s important to emphasize that having such risk factors doesn’t necessarily mean that someone will experience depression. It merely makes them more vulnerable to it.

Are you interested in gaining a better understanding of this? We at A&E Healthcare Services, Inc., a tried-and-true provider of outpatient mental health services in College Park, Maryland, are at your service!

Apart from providing quality services such as psychiatric evaluations, we also see to it that we convey vital materials and resources on mental health conditions to our valued community. That said, below are a few of the well-known risk factors of depression you must be aware of:

  • Personal or family history
    Individuals with a personal or familial history of depression or other mental health illnesses are more likely to develop depression. This shows that depression may have a genetic or inherited component.
  • Brain chemistry
    Differences in brain chemistry can make some individuals more susceptible to developing depression. For instance, imbalances in certain brain chemicals called neurotransmitters are widely associated with depression.
  • Traumatic or stressful events
    Experiencing significant life events can raise the risk of depression. Those with a history of abuse or neglect are also more vulnerable.

Would you like to know about the misconceptions regarding depression? Or are you perhaps looking for professionals in developmental disability in Maryland? Let us know!

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